It is with heavy hearts and tears that we announce the passing of our well-respected and beloved former teacher, Ms Ting Yuet-mui, on the 30th of March 2020. Our most sincere condolences go out to her family and those who know her and love her.
Ms. Ting first joined Bishop Hall Jubilee School as a student teacher. She was appointed by the school as a Biology and Chemistry teacher on 1st May 1968, and later as the Biology Panel Head of the school. She was also the Teacher Advisor of the Science Society. She devoted herself whole-heartedly to education and to Bishop Hall Jubilee School until her retirement in 2003. We are grateful for Ms Ting’s dedication to the school and inspirational teaching of our former Jubileans. Ms Ting stimulated many students’ interests in learning science and ignited a fire under them to pursue their passion. She was a charismatic person who always supported and encouraged Jubileans.
Ms Ting was held in the highest regard by all Jubileans. She was an exemplary teacher who will never be forgotten.
May Ms Ting rest in peace. We pray that God brings her family peace, strength and comfort during this difficult time.
Miss Ting 的離世,確實令很多校友不捨。Miss Ting 由實習開始至2003年退休,她在銀禧渡過了超過35個年頭,任教的學生無數,可謂跟不同年代的校友一起成長,老師對你們很重要,同樣,你們對老師也很重要。大家有沒有珍藏了的相片(甚或短片)可跟校友們一起追思一下老師在銀禧的35年呢?
校友會將整理這些資料,跟敬愛Miss Ting的校友、同事、家人一起紀念老師的點滴。
收稿郵箱如相片是3R等,校友可scan 或用手機在光源充足情況下拍照,然後電郵提交)(*由於whatsapp 會壓縮相片,所以請盡量以電郵提交)
相片格式:請加標題(中、英皆可)、校友名字、畢業年份(中五)。(相片質素:1M 以上,JPG)
1/ 各位希望悼念老師的校友,大家畢業後,可能未必知道,Miss Ting在學校以外的日子極低調。據她家人轉述,按Miss Ting 的意願,將不會有喪禮。
2/ 有校友在Facebook留言(,希望成立以老師為名的奬學金,如大家有任何想法,也歡迎電郵給我們。謝謝。